You can also drag and drop them into the DLL list. Add the DLLs you want by clicking on the Add DLL button. (Note) If you are injecting into Combat Arms, make sure to type in Engine.exe If you want to target a specific process or select by window name, use the Select button. Type in a process name into the box (including the extension). (optional) Click Settings and then Start in Secure Mode to avoid Anti-Cheat detection of the injector itself.

Automatic Visual C++ depedency installer Mutiple injection methods (Standard, LdrLoadDll Stub, LdrpLoadDll Stub, Thread Hijacking and Manual Map) DLL Scrambling (scrambles DLLs on injection to make hacks harder to detect and make detected hacks work again)

But for me, I tried this many times and it did not work.- Multi-DLL injection (with options to enable/disable DLLs to inject) As we all found out, it does not work:( But there is a solution, to use an injector to basically trick the game into thinking that you are using a quad processor. If you are like me you are probably using a dual core processor to play Far Cry 4. Or see below if you want to add it to your steam libary. You might make a shortcut of the batch file and save it to your desktop.

(Note) If you are injecting into Combat Arms, make sure to type in Engine.exe. Extreme Injector v3.7 - General Programming and Reversing Hacks and. For example, in the case of Far Cry 4 it is called farcry4.exe. Download new version of Extreme Injector v3.7.